About E!

Hi! This page is about my dear friend Elizabeth Koestler. She is so beautiful – of course on the outside but especially on the inside because her heart belongs to the Lord. Her passion for sharing Christ’s power with others is inspirational. My prayer is that this platform for sharing speaks not only to women for whom E prays, but for E and her daily journey of seeking joy in every season of life. 

Thank you to my friend and blessing, Erika Berry, for your kind words of introduction. This blog would still be a dream without your help and support.

The Lord placed this “blog seedling” of an idea in my heart several years ago, and it is with such excitement that I present elizabethgwin.com to you today. Throughout my life I have seen tough times, joyful times, pains, and gains,  and experienced a spectrum of emotions. I hope the wisdom and insight I have gained thus far proves helpful to others on this journey we call life. God made each of us unique and different, yet we are all searching for that thing which brings us joy and contentment. I have learned that no matter how creative I am, how well I plan and rearrange, how far I stray, that God will always call me back home to Him and fill me with the pure undying love and joy that only He can supply. There is no greater contentment on the planet earth to be found. Keep Him first always.


Thank you to my friends who have made this blog possible:

Erika, Suzanne, Jill, Marcia, Ree, and Janna

Thank you to God for these friends and allowing me to share your word. Bless the women who read this.


2 thoughts on “About E!

  1. I am really touched by all of this. You are such a kind hearted person and it is so evident that Christ lives in you.


  2. Your blog is such an inspiration and the Lord has always known what he has in store for your life…I can’t wait to find out!!!Blessings as always…

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